Past event

Presentation of Democracies Under Pressure in Brazil

image-en-avant_démocraties sous tension

Dominique Reynié, professor at Science Po Paris and Executive Director of the Fondation pour l’innovation politique, coordinated a vast survey on the state of democracy in the world. Conducted in 42 countries, with more than 36,000 interviews, the research resulted in the publication of two volumes. Democracies Under Pressure brings together articles by 45 authors on the collected data. In Brazil, the initiative was supported by the think tank República do Amanhã.


On the occasion of the publication of the two volumes in Brazilian Portuguese, a debate was organized on 12 December 2019 at the FHC Foundation in Brazil, in the presence of former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Dominique Reynié presented the main conclusions of this global survey.

The idea of democracy has revolutionized the world. It is based on a political order whose main feature is making the exercise of power subject to the consent of the governed.

Dominique Reynié,


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