Past event

Social and economic challenges in Europe after Covid-19 - French and Polish perceptions

Online debate

Europe Day 2021 marks the 71st anniversary of the Schuman Declaration and the launch of the Conference for the Future of Europe.

On Sunday 9 May, from 11 am to 12:45 pm, the Fondation pour l’innovation politique partners with the French embassy in Poland and Polityka Insight for an online debate: “Social and economic challenges in Europe after Covid-19 – French and Polish Perceptions”.

The debate will gather distinguished French and Polish experts to discuss the social and economic challenges lying ahead of Europe after the Covid-19 pandemic. We will compare French and Polish perceptions of solidarity and look into the concrete proposals to enhance the resilience of European societies and economies, such as the “Europe, A Patient” initiative and the idea of a European minimal wage.


Programme :

Moderator – Madeleine Hamel, Fondation pour l’innovation politique (Fondapol)

Panel n°1 – Short-term social and economic challenges of the COVID-19
crisis in Europe

  • The Initiative “Europe, A Patient”
    Krzysztof Mroczkowski, New Citizen – Nowy Obywatel
  • “From elimination to mitigation strategies in Central Eastern Europe”
    Professor Maciej Grodzicki (Jagiellonian University of Krakow)
  • “Towards a counter-cyclical approach to crises in the EU”
    Professor Assen Slim (ESSCA, INALCO)
  • “Convergence and cohesion in the EU after the COVID-19 pandemic”
    Dr. Agnieszka Smoleńska, Polityka Insight


Panel n°2 – Long-term social and economic reforms in Europe: towards a European minimum wage?

  • “Benefits from further integration : reform ideas and challenges ahead”
    Dr. Dimitris Mavridis, France Stratégie
  • “The political feasibility of European social reforms”
    Prof. Małgorzata Bonikowska, Center for International Studies (CSM)
  • “From the Porto Summit towards a new European narrative”
    Chloé Ridel, Rousseau Institute
  • “The need for a new European solidarity”
    Joséphine Staron, Sorbonne University – laboratoire Synopia

The video of this event will be made available on fondapol.org.

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