Past event

The imam is a woman!


It is with emotion and pride that the team of the Fondation pour l’innovation politique attended the first mixed-gender Muslim prayer in Paris, France. Nearly ninety people were in attendance. Women and men alike, in near parity, prayed together. Wearing the hijab was not mandatory; half the women present did not wear one. The sermons were delivered in French and all statements in Arabic were translated to French in order to ensure mutual comprehension.

This occasion of Muslim prayer was led by Anne-Sophie Monsinay and Eva Janadin, co-authors of the study An integrated Mosque for a spiritual and progressive Islam, published by the Fondation pour l’innovation politique in February 2019.

In this document, the Fondation pour l’innovation politique underlines the progress made from the publication of the study An integrated Mosque for a spiritual and progressive Islam in February 2019 to the first mixed-gender Muslim prayer in France, in September 2019.

"The traditional texts are not against the imamate of women. It is competence that matters, not gender. However, the sociology of mosques remains very conservative."

Tareq Oubrou,


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